Mini Greenhouse

With 30 Biodegradable Pots



Cultivate your child’s curiosity by helping them grow their own plants without the mess and stress. The Twigz Mini Greenhouse can place on any windowsill, allowing for easy access and care without concern for the weather affecting growth. Your child will love being able to check on their plants any time of day without having to get their coat on and wander outside. Plus, with the greenhouse readily available, your child will be much more likely to remember to water them, instilling responsibility. When your child will love to see their new plants grow larger every day, and when they see the beautiful results of all their hard work. they’re going to be super excited to grow more and help out with more gardening!

The kit includes thirty biodegradable peat pots which can use in batches of ten inside the mini greenhouse. Once your sprouts have outgrown the initial pots, they can be easily transferred into a larger container or into the garden. Simply place the whole peat pot inside a larger container full of soil and gently pat it in place. The peat will break down and provide nutrients to your growing plants. This method lowers “transplant shock”, as you do not have to disturb the roots to move it, making it much more likely that your new growth will make it.

Once you have transplanted your new growth, you can begin another batch with the remaining pots. Seeds can grow in the Mini Greenhouse if it can place either outside during warm weather months or indoors in a sunny location (such as a kitchen counter or windowsill) in a temperature-controlled room any time of year.

The Mini Greenhouse is 30 centimeters long, 11centimeters wide, and made of durable, lightweight plastic.